Tampere Film Festival is an independent short film festival with an International and National Competition. The Competitions are open and free for all who want to submit a film for the preview.
Admitted are all films and videos of all genres not exceeding a length of 30 minutes. Films must have been completed on January 1st, 2008 or after. The selection will be made on completed productions. In exceptional cases the Festival reserves the right to accept films of longer duration. Films which have been shown or awarded at other international film festivals are allowed to compete.
Call for artists: submission.tamperefilmfestival.fi/rules/
The following material has to be sent together with each submitted film:
1) a DVD or Blu-ray of the film (max 3 films per disc)
2) a FULLY filled entry form (via Online Submission)
3) a complete list of dialogue, commentary and/or text inserts in original language AND in English (via Online Submission)
4) at least 1 photo (via Online Submission)
For preview screenings only DVD and Blu-ray discs will be accepted. Discs must be sent by mail or courier service and carry the declaration: "FOR TEMPORARY, CULTURAL PURPOSE ONLY. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE."
Submission is possible also via Reelport, www.reelport.com
The Festival will select the films for the International Competition from all entered contributions during December 2009 and January 2010. Any filmmaker, producer, organisation or other party can submit films directly to the festival office. Entrants will be notified of the selection results by mid-February 2010.
Entry forms and preview copies and other required material must be received at the address below:
For festival screenings the Festival accepts 16 mm and 35 mm film prints, Betacam SP PAL and Digi Beta PAL, DVD and Blu-ray. The screening copies must be at the Festival office by February 15, 2010. The films will be electronically subtitled in both Finnish and English. This will, however, only be done if a dialogue list/post-production transcript has been sent in due time to the Festival Office (see point 3).
The organizers will nominate an International Jury of five members, one of whom is Finnish. The jury will award the following prizes to the film directors:
1) Grand Prix: Festival trophy "Kiss" & 5000 € for the best film in the International Competition
2) three Category Prizes: Festival trophy "Kiss" & 1500 € each
3) Diplomas of Merit . A Diploma of Merit will be awarded to the best film of the International Competition voted by the audience. A Participation Diploma will be given to every film selected to participate on the International Competition.
Date deadline: 01/12/09 - receiving date
Tampere Film Festival
P.O. BOX 305, FIN-33101 Â Tampere, Finland
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